
dinner is served!

Angry Chicken figured out how to make cakes in little jars. Looks like fun!

Did you read the story about Adelaide's dress request? No? Read it now.

Happy weekend!


RAR said...

Where does one buy these little jars? I've always been scared of recipes that require boiling lids, but these probably wouldn't last long enough to spoil!
I did read about Adelaide's dress. Cute

RAR said...

PS Where did the dining doggie come from?

Anonymous said...

I want that dog! I am having a hard time reading any of the writing because of him!

RHRB said...

The dog is from the New York Times...click on his pic and you can read the story.

Subsequently people posted to Angry Chicken that it might not be safe to do the cupcakes in jars, even if you sterilize them first. So...I don't know. I bet you could find the little jars online, but also at a restaurant supply store.