
the big house

Did you read this interesting story about the house in England where the new movie Atonement was filmed?

Also, did you see my palmiers?

1 comment:

RAR said...

That looks a bit like The Corinthian! I had not seen it.
But I DID see your palmiers, which I have been wanting to make since I first saw them in Entertaining 24 years ago!!! Or maybe since I first TASTED a palmier from LeNotre in Sakowitz, and I believe that must have been AFTER the book came out. Actually, I probably was too daunted by the idea of making puff pastry to even consider attempting them. So for a few years I was able to enjoy them from Sakowitz (giant ones!), or Jamail's which also contained a LeNotre bakery, but they both closed. So I remained palmier-less until someone moved to NYC and I was introduced to EAT!!