Today is my last full day of class! Tomorrow the kids leave at 12:45 and then I stay and pack up the rest of my room! So in order to fully celebrate my last full day I did a little online shopping while the kids were out of the room!
I bought this dress from J Crew on sale! I usually don't buy things online because I like to try them on but I love this and I am willing to go get it altered if I need to. I have a wedding to go to in June, one in August, and one in September and I think I could wear it to all of them if I wanted because they are all different groups!

I already own this dress in a coral color and in blue. I love it so much! I suggest that everyone goes out and gets it in at least one color right now! RHRB has it and is 6 months pregnant and I swear it looks good on a pregnant person AND a non pregnant person. Hard to believe, but true!

Thank you J Crew for taking all of my money. I know I will wear the black dress till it is worn out but goodness can't you leave me with some money? And I didn't even get to use the teacher discount because it was online and these dresses aren't in the Houston store. Oh and while we are at it J Crew, can't you make the Houston store good again?
Here is something I found online today. You must visit
The Cookie Sandwich Co. and look at the delicious cookies that they sell. I want to try every single one of them!
Oh and thank you RHRB for directing us to
Munki Munki! I really want to buy something from them! Perhaps the bride pj's!
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