
Waiting . . .

Right now we are playing the waiting game to see if PW will get in to SMU to get his MBA or . . .

will he get into Rice to get his MBA starting this August!

I have to say this is more miserable that waiting to hear about getting into college or even when I applied for grad school. This is huge news for us because it will dictate where we will live next year, Dallas or Houston! It will decide if I get to keep the job I have now or if I will be applying for a new job. It will decide if I get to keep my home (and find some room for PW's things) or if I will be selling it and looking for a place up in Dallas! This is the week that letters are going out so basically I am just waiting to get the phone call to say that the letters have arrived.

On a different note I am waiting on something else (that is for sure not as important but very exciting). It is Girl Scout Cookie time! I have bought cookies from a third grader and from a second grader that is in the other second grade class. They continue to give me updates on the status of the cookies (they are still not in yet) and promising me that they will be in soon!

I attempted to put a picture here of my very favorite Girl Scout Cookie, the Samoa, yet blogger wanted it at the top of my post and not right here so unfortunately there will be no picture!

Ok, back to work to hopefully get my mind off of the grad school stuff . . .


RHRB said...

It must be so hard! I am eager to hear about his school, too. And now I am thinking about Thin Mints.

Kelly said...

Thanks for your sweet comment! I know waiting is hard - we are all waiting on something, huh?
Dallas or Houston would be great! I hope it works out either for ya'll.