Le Cruset, I love you!
This weekend I picked up this little beauty a long with a few other items left on our registry at Williams Sonoma using some gift cards! Plus WS gives you 10% off all purchases for 6 months after your wedding so I got it for less! I can't wait to use it!
I survived the first day of school and I have a wonderful new class! Lots of free spirits! Tomorrow is my b-day (as well as Mother Theresa's, coincidence, I think not) and today is my father in law's birthday (as well as McCauley Culken) . I get to go spend the afternoon renewing my drivers licence, yuck!

monkey butler service
God bless the internet. Please click through.
Could this be a useful tool for managing husbands? RRW, please experiment with the PW and get back to me. I'm afraid mine may be too recalcitrant.
Could this be a useful tool for managing husbands? RRW, please experiment with the PW and get back to me. I'm afraid mine may be too recalcitrant.
Mmm home made banana bread!
Why does it really have to be over?!
On Friday night I received a slide show from my photographer with about 65 pictures from the wedding day/night. I have since watched it about a million times, no exaggeration. Every time PW walks in and sees me watching it AGAIN he laughs! I wanted to use one photographer and she was unfortunately busy that day. However she was able to hook us up with a photographer who just so happened to be someone who went to our K-12 school. She is amazing and the first time I watched the slide show that she put together I cried my eyes out and have proceeded to cry several times while watching it. Here are a few of the pictures!
Just married!
Trying not to wilt from the heat!
One of the best parts of the wedding!
Leaving the reception! I tossed the bouquet when I got to the car instead of stopping the reception to do it and it was so much nicer! I made sure to turn around and aim at one of my best friends!

Our photographer owns her own company called Casa de Camera and she is amazing! Now I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures from the wedding.
Our beautiful church

Our photographer owns her own company called Casa de Camera and she is amazing! Now I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures from the wedding.
RRR is now RRW
Well after a long time not posting anything due to wedding stress it's time to put up some pictures from the event that took up all of my time. Our wedding day was pretty much the best day ever. The church was beautiful, the reception was amazing, the food was tasty, the cake was insanely good, the photographer took amazing pictures. It was all good (minus some issues with the florist not living up to her ability). At the country club where we had our reception they make sure that the bride and groom get to sit down and have dinner so as soon as we go there they took us to a private room and let us eat dinner. I think it is such a great idea because we wouldn't have eaten otherwise. Here we are having our private dinner.
Here is a self portrait of me and PW after the wedding on the way up to our hotel room.
When the wedding was over we were not even close to being ready to end the night. So it just so happened that everyone went to the bar in the hotel that we were staying in. So I convinced RAR to go pick up a dress for me to change in to so that I could go hang out. Here is a picture of me and my friend Kev who is about to marry one of my best friends/room mate from college Jen next June! That's Jen in the bottom left.
After a wonderful night spent with our friends and family we got on a plane to Dallas and then to Maui. After 9 hours of flying we got to Maui!!
Our honeymoon was amazing. If you haven't gone to Maui you must make plans to go there right now. We sat by the beach and ate and had some pina coladas. We snorkeled and did some scuba diving. It was wonderful!

I am sad it is all over. 11 months of planning ends up in one day that ends very quickly. An amazing day, but a very fast day. I just got a slide show from my amazing photographer showing a few of the pictures from the wedding. I got it a little over 24 hours ago and have probably watched it over 24 times! I can't wait for the rest of the pictures to be ready to view.
I just finished a week of inservice and have one more week till the kids get to school. PW just had a full day of orientation for his MBA program. The thing that makes me that happiest right now is that PW is officially a Houstonian! No more Southwest flights back and forth!
It's FINALLY here!
It's wedding time tomorrow! Here is a preview of what my cake will look like, but all white not pink and with a W instead of a M! The cake from Who Made the Cake is SO tasty and I can't wait to have a big slice of the bride's cake and the groom's cake! Now if only I can manage to get some sleep before tomorrow . . .

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