Ah, the holiday season. Time when everyone is ready for a break. Today we had our annual Snow Day where a foundation called Be an Angel brings in some "snow" since we generally don't get too much of that in Houston. I woke up this morning to rain and was worried that Snow Day would be canceled. Luckily the rain stopped and the snow was white and cold. Unluckily it was 80 degrees and 100% humid outside. Temperature and humidity aside we had a wonderful time making snowmen and getting into snow ball fights!
On Snow Day we always have our class holiday party. Each year I am amazed at the time and effort that the room mothers put into this party. This is generally when I receive a gift from the class and the gift this year was so amazing that I had to show it off. My room moms bought a small rosemary tree shaped like a Christmas tree and on it hung gift cards from various places. It is so cute and wonderful I don't want to take the gift cards off. Of course as soon as I start craving a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks I will give in! I am definitely saving this idea for when I have kids and the holiday season comes around because this present was both create and very useful in several different ways! Thanks to some wonderful room moms and to 22 amazing second graders!